home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- DirWork V1.31 - Chris Hames 22/6/91. All rights Reserved.
- ----------------------------------------------------------
- DW Size 44428 bytes
- Need to get around your directories fast and simply. Force yourself
- to read fully this doc file and I think you will find this program of great
- use. What makes DirWork better than the rest ?
- VERY Configurable. All Buttons/Options/WindowSize/WindowPosition
- can be modified and the DW executable modified to have these values.
- Detaches. So when you type DW from CLI you can still use your
- CLI as if nothing happened. No need to Run!
- Sleep. Can be put to sleep so it disappears completely until you
- select it from the workbench tools menu (kick2.0-) or press left
- Ctrl-Shift-Alt-D or whatever keys you configure it to.
- Also can be started in sleep mode so "DW -s" in your
- startup-sequence will have it there for when you want it later.
- Intelligent. Double click the left mouse button on filename of a
- IFF picture and it will be automatically displayed. Double click
- a text file to type it, press the right mouse button to edit it!
- Double Click a .lzh file and you see the contents, right mouse
- button on one extracts the contents to the destination dir and then
- reads in the new entries.
- As well as many other instant actions on different types of files.
- A excellent show built in that loads in the next picture while your
- looking at the last. You can of course set up a button to use your
- own show utility.
- Both memory and BootBlock virus checking.
- PopKeys. Define keys to start up programs. eg make Amiga-P start
- your paint program. Amiga-Escape start a NewShell etc etc etc
- Also adds these programs to your Tools menu if using Kick2.0-.
- ScreenBlanker so that the phosphors on your monitor get a rest.
- AutoPoint option so that the window the mouse is over is selected.
- Copy & move cloning so that the date/protection/filenote is same.
- Fast and Smooth Floppy Dirs! Getting a directory off a floppy
- is up to 2 times faster. And your drive doesn't grind back and
- forward anywhere near as much as normal.
- Size. At less than 45K uncompressed in makes mince meat of most
- of those huge memory hungry utils.
- This program is SHAREWARE so please support the work that has gone into it.
- Here is my order of preference due to bank charges for contributions :-
- Australian Cash or Cheque
- Internationa Money Order or anything else that costs me nothing
- Foreign Cash (US, English or German prefered)
- The suggested contribution of $35 will get you a disk containing the next
- version of this program when it is available.
- Please send the contribution & any ideas etc to:-
- C Hames |Internet:
- Snail: 6 Pamela Crt | bytey@phoenix.pub.uu.oz.au
- Blackburn South | ins760z@monu4.cc.monash.edu.au (1991 only)
- VIC 3130 |FidoNet BBS:
- Australia | 3:633/353
- And don't forget to include the version number you have!
- This program may be copied as long as it is accompanied by this doc file
- both unaltered & no money is charged(except for a reasonable copying fee
- such as what Fred Fish charges). All use of this program is at your own
- risk & I assume no responsibility or liability for any problems that occur.
- Future Improvements:- (When registering please tell me which ones you want)
- More configurable. ie Screens/ButtonPositions/Colors/Priority etc
- Much better Type/Htype.
- Ability to stop during a dir read.
- Iconify.
- Inbuilt gif viewer(I have written one just needs adding).
- Internal Diskcopying/Formatting.
- More file types recognized.
- Last side used as source, selection option.
- Faster(the need for speed!).
- History:-
- 27/ 1/90 1.00 First Release.
- 5/ 2/90 1.01 VMK updated to v27. Stopped title bar flashing.
- 12/ 2/90 1.02 Icon. Faster. Smaller. Now uses less memory(5K) if
- destination display is not used.
- 15/ 2/90 1.03 Detaches from CLI. Some Workbench problems fixed.
- A Show bug fixed.
- 22/ 2/90 1.04 CD bug fixed. Volumes button added. Dir buttons
- and options can be modified and saved. VMK can
- now automatically be executed every 10 secs.
- 14/ 7/90 1.10 Heaps of little improvements. Copy/Delete/Move Dirs.
- Now VERY configurable buttons. Sleep. Window sizing.
- HxType/Type/Search Esc works anytime now. Rename/
- makdir/copy/move/delete add or remove from both
- filelists where appropriate. So many more changes
- that I am calling it 1.10 !
- 30/ 7/90 1.11 Bug fixed when getting dirs with spaces in them.
- 17/ 8/90 1.12 Rare problem getting dirs with spaces at end.
- 10/ 1/91 1.20 More than 255 files displayed.
- Dirs above files option added.
- And too many other things to mention.
- 13/ 1/91 1.21 Sometimes crashed when started from cli,
- bug found in detach routine. Argh!!
- Display .info files option added.
- Window Pos now saved with config.
- 16/ 1/91 1.22 Recognition of text files improved. Other little
- things improved.
- 10/ 6/91 1.30 Wouldn't save config if started in sleep mode (-s)
- fixed. Didn't open some windows at same offset as
- window fixed. Now gets the dirs after sleep.
- Automatically gets info(bytes free) for dirs after
- a copy move or delete. MakeDir can have icon.
- Bootblock checking. Popkeys. ScreenBlanking.
- Runs programs with spaces(Dave!).
- Save's path of DW program with save executable.
- Paths other than C: recognized(Thanks Randell).
- Parent/root far left or right of the text gadget
- right mouse button over text gadget gets dir.
- Shells etc now have close gadgets if kick 2.0,
- and the N,x,u commands have been improved.
- Kick 2.0 looks. Heaps of other little things.
- 22/ 6/91 1.31 Requester kick 1.2/1.3 freeze bug hopefully gone.
- Crash after RMB instant getdir gone.
- AutoPoint for James. Screen option.
- Copy/move clone code better and kick 1.2/1.3 date.
- Filenote problem with FSDirs problem fixed.
- Better FileSelection. Requester bigger.
- FileBits/Note writting under Kick 1.2/1.3 fixed.
- Resizing doesn't make slide gadgets go to top.
- Kick 2.0- execute window title shows path.
- Delete didn't request for non-empty dirs fixed.
- Popkey stuff gets added to tools menu in Kick2.0-
- No flashing bottom line.
- And some other little things.
- Instructions:-
- ------------
- The window display
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- |+| Title Bar - Chip & total memory available | | |
- |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
- | +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ |
- | +++ Buttons +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ Buttons +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ |
- | +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ +++ |
- / Left Directory Al No CD << <> >> CD No Al Right Directory /
- |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
- | Left File List | || | Right File List |
- | |S||S| |
- | DirectoryName ? |l||l| DirectoryName ? |
- | OR |i||i| OR |
- | FileName ? size|d||d| FileName ? size|
- | ^ |e||e| ^ |
- | if undeletable u | || | if undeletable u |
- | if has filenote f |G||G| if has filenote f |
- | if is script s |a||a| if is script s |
- | if pure p |d||d| if pure p |
- | |g||g| |
- | |e||e| |
- | |t||t| |
- | | || | |
- |--------------------------------------------------------------------|
- |Errors and other messages Disk Names & Bytes Free as well |
- +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
- Actual directory text (Left Directory or Right Directory)
- Pressing the Right mouse button when over the text showing the path
- of the dir reads that directory into the file list.
- eg If DF0: was in the Left Directory text gadget you could insert
- a new disk into the internal disk drive DF0: and then press the
- right mouse button over the DF0: in the Left directory text to
- read in the new directory.
- Pressing the left mouse button over the far left/right of the text
- gadget(see the "/" in window representation above) gets the parent.
- Parent makes DF0:t/r become DF0:t
- Right button gets the root. Root makes DF0:t/r become DF0:
- You can press the left mouse button over the left or right directory
- text gadget then edit the directory to the one you want to work with
- and then if you press return the directory will be read in.
- Remember in most string gadgets right Amiga X clears the text in
- the gadget, and you can use shift -> or <- to go to end or start
- of the text.
- FileList(s)
- Press the left mouse button to select/deselect a file or directory
- name.
- Right mouse button or double click left button on a directory reads
- in that directory.
- Left mouse button to the far left or right of a file/dir will
- bring up a requester with the FileNote and Protection bits which
- you can edit.
- Use the slide gadget to see files that are not displayed.
- Double Click of left Button on a file will try to recognize the file
- and automatically do something with the file(eg With default settings
- the quickly double clicking the left button on a text file will type
- it & and double clicking on a IFF picture(such as a picture from a
- paint program) file will show it with the internal show).
- Right Mouse Button on a file will try to recognize the file and
- automatically do something with the file.
- eg With default settings the Right mouse button on a text file will
- edit it (If you have configured your instant edit to your editor
- or it already is) or pressing the right mouse button on a picture
- file will show it with Mostra(© Sebastino Vigna) if you have that
- program.
- Here is a table of the default instant Operations:-
- File type Double Clicking Right Mouse button
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- MOD. Intuitracker filename Run Intuitracker filename
- .ARC Arc v filename Arc xw filename
- .DMS DMS Write filename DMS Write filename
- .LZH Lharc l filename Lharc -m -x -r x filename
- .LHW Lhwarp Write 0 filename Lhwarp Write 0 filename
- .PAK filename filename
- .WRP UnWarp filename UnWarp filename
- .ZIP PkaZIP filename PkaZIP filename
- .ZOO Zoo v filename Zoo xO// filename
- .GIF VirtGIF filename Run >NIL: VirtGIF filename
- 8SVX INTERNAL PlaySS filename PlaySS filename
- ANIM ShowANIM >NIL: filename ShowANIM >NIL: filename
- ILBM INTERNAL Show filename Mostra >NIL: filename
- SMUS PlaySMUS >NIL: filename PlaySMUS >NIL: filename
- Most Most filename Run >NIL: Most filename
- PP20 PPMore filename PPShow filename
- Exect filename
- Text INTERNAL Type filename Run >NIL: E filename
- Binry INTERNAL HxType filename Run >NIL: NewZAP filename
- Buttons
- The main idea is to press the left mouse button if you are referring
- to the source as the file list below the pointer. So to copy from
- the left file list to the right list, click on the the left copy
- button. And to copy from the right file list to the left file list,
- click on the right copy button.
- You can also click on a button with the right mouse button to refer
- to the opposite file list but if this sounds confusing just ignore
- this paragraph.
- (eg Left button on left DF0: will get the directory from DF0:
- and put it in the left file list, but right button on left DF0: will
- get the directory DF0: and put it in the right file list)
- Below is a description of what the buttons will do when the default
- setup is used. You can modify button functions to do something
- completely different if you want.
- DF0: DF1: RAM: SYS: etc
- Just press these to get the directory of this name in the
- file list below the pointer.
- Sleep Puts the task to sleep until you press the four left keys
- Ctrl-Shift-Alt-D. ie The window disappears as if you quit
- but the program is still there waiting until you press the
- keys. So you don't have to load DirWork all the time.
- DirWork starts in Sleep mode if you type DW -s instead of
- the usual DW when you run it from CLI. So you can have the
- command DW -s in your startup-sequence then when you
- actually want DirWork later you just have to press the keys
- Ctrl-Shift-Alt-D or if running Kick2.0- just can select DW
- in the Tools menu of workbench.
- Do what you want then press the sleep button to make DirWork
- disappear again. See PopKeys information for how to change
- the key combination that wakes DirWork up.
- Volms Displays all things assigned ie C: LIBS: SYS: etc
- Just press a button on one of them to enter the directory.
- Al Select all files.
- No Unselect all files & dirs.
- <> Swaps the left and right file list displays.
- >> & << Copies one file list to the other file list.
- Info Updates the info(bytes Free and name). And displays how many
- dirs/files/bytes are selected. Good to see if you are going
- to be able to fit all the file you want to copy.
- Copy Copys files/dirs from one dir to another.
- BytesFree for the source/destination is updated.
- See the configuration section if you want it to clone
- the original date/filenote/protection etc.
- Move Moves files/dirs from one dir to another.
- BytesFree for the source/destination is updated.
- See the configuration section if you want it to clone
- the original date/filenote/protection etc.
- Please note the DOS 1.2/1.3 bug where you lose directories
- if you move a directory to be a child of itself. I
- intercept and stop some but not all.
- ie Move ONE ONE/ONE !!!!IS NOT A GOOD IDEA!!!!
- Delet Delete files/dirs. You are prompted before non empty dirs
- are deleted for confirmation but see the configuartion
- section if you don't like this.
- BytesFree for the directory is updated.
- Print Copies selected files text to the printer.
- Renam Rename files/dirs. Edit names in the requester.
- Please note the DOS 1.2/1.3 bug where you lose directories
- if you move a directory to be a child of itself. I
- intercept and stop some but not all.
- ie Rename ONE ONE/ONE !!!!IS NOT A GOOD IDEA!!!!
- MakDi Make a new directory. Enter name in requester.
- See the configuration section if you want it to also create
- a icon for the directory.
- Prote Change delete protection of a file/dir. Lets you toggle
- the delete protection of a file. A file with delete
- protection on has a u next to the right of the filename.
- CD Makes the dir the current directory.
- Type Displays a text file to a window. Esc quits anytime.
- By default a double click on a text file will call this
- routine.
- HxType Displays a file in hexadecimal to a window.
- By default Double click on a binary file will call this
- routine.
- Instant This performs as if you double clicked the left mouse button
- on the selected files. It will perform a relevent button
- on the file if it finds one otherwise it will assume the
- file is just binary and HxType it. All these things can
- be changed, see configuaration section
- Show Shows IFF files. Loads in the next pic while the last
- is being displayed to save a lot of time. Use Cursor keys
- to scroll around a picture bigger than the screen. Use the
- left mouse mouse button or press a key to go to next.
- If low on memory select one file at a time to display.
- By default a double click on a IFF picture file will call
- this routine.
- PlaySS Plays any file as a Sampled sound at 10000 samples/sec.
- By default a double click on a 8SVX sound file will call
- this routine.
- Search Search files for text that you are prompted for.
- The prompt has a UpperCase!=LowerCase option.
- It will tell you at want offsets in the file the text is
- found.
- VMK My MEMORY virus detector/killer.
- For a simple check to see that your memory is virus free.
- Does checks of many memory locations etc that are used
- by viruses. If you get a alert use a good disk virus killer
- to clear up the problem. See the seperate program VMK v1.0
- for docs.
- The following buttons require you to have a external program and/or
- run in your c: or similar directory.
- Prefs Loads up workbench preferences with kickstart 1.2/1.3.
- Requires Preferences to be in a command path such as c:.
- Kickstart 2 preferences are spread over a few programs so
- there isn't one program you can run.
- Edit Edit selected files. Requires a editor named E in a path
- such as c:.
- Pressing the right mouse button on a text file will call
- a simlar routine.
- NewZP NewZAP selected files. Requires Newzap in a path such as c:.
- NewZAP is a file editor © John Hodgson.
- By default pressing the right mouse button on a binary file
- will call a similar routine.
- Run Run selected files. You will be prompted for optional
- arguments. eg if you selected the file Diskcopy you
- might want to enter "DF0: to DF1:".
- By default pressing the right mouse button on a executable
- file will will call a similar routine.
- Commd Enter commands in the cli window then enter endcli to
- return to DW or if using Kick2.0- or later click the close
- gadget.
- NewSh Does the NewShell command. Requires all shell type files.
- LHarcA Adds file to a Lharc archive that you specify in the prompt.
- Xoper Starts the program Xoper © Werner Gunther. Requires Xoper to
- be in path such as C:.
- Changing the configuration
- --------------------------
- Menu Options
- Move the mouse pointer up to the left side of the title bar of the
- window and press the right mouse button.
- You can select if you want every inserted floppy disk's boot block
- checked to see if it is normal. Note some bootblocks are not normal
- and are not viruses so when you insert a disk and get the requester
- saying this is not a normal bootblock only install if you know that
- the bootblock does not contain important information.
- This is defaulted to off.
- You can select if you want VMK(The virus detector) to be run every
- 8 seconds. You get a requester asking for options(see VMK docs).
- This is defaulted to off.
- You can select if you want the screen to blank after 8 minutes of
- no activity by the user. A still image on a monitor is not good for
- it so this blanks the screen.
- This is defaulted to off.
- AutoPoint lets you select if you want the window under the pointer
- to be automatically selected(activated).
- This is defaulted to off.
- You can select whether you want Fast&SmoothFloppyDirs.
- This is defaulted to off shouldn't be needed with Kick 2.0-.
- Note that the DirWork FSDirs does not make use of dos buffers that
- have been added using AddBuffers, but does very well with the two
- commercial diskbuffering programs.
- You can select if you want Directories displayed above files.
- This is defaulted to off.
- You can select if you want .info files to be displayed.
- This is defaulted to on.
- You can select if you want the close gadget box of the window
- to make dirwork sleep instead of quit.
- This is defaulted to off.
- You can select if you want the old style button selection where
- the button position is irrelevent. ie Where you must use the
- right mouse button to refer to the right hand file list as the
- source. If you don't understand just ignore this option.
- This is defaulted to off.
- You can select that DirWork is to have a screen of its own instead
- of using the workbench screen.
- This is defaulted to off.
- ChangePopKey allows you to change the keys that bring DirWork
- out of sleep and you can define many other keys to execute other
- programs. If you are running kick2.0- the programs are also added
- to the workbench tools menu. By default the only one added is when
- left amiga and escape is pressed NewShell is executed.
- By default "@1922DW in Memory@4045NewShell" note first is DW wakeup
- \/\/\
- \ \ \This is the marker between key definitions
- \ \This is the raw keycode of the normal key
- \This is the qualifier (special keys down)
- Sample Qualifiers: Sample RawKeys:
- LSHIFT=$01 Esc=$45 F1=$50 to F10=$59
- RSHIFT=$02 `=$00 1=$01 to \=$0D BS=$41
- CTRL =$08 Tab=$42 Q=$10 to P=$19 to ]=$1B
- LALT =$10 A=$20 to L=$29 to '=$2A
- RALT =$20 Z=$31 to M=$37 to /=$3A
- LAMIGA=$40 Del=$46 Help=$5F Return=$44 Space=$40
- RAMIGA=$80 Up=$4C Down=$4D Left=$4F Right=$4E
- Keypad RawKeys:
- (=$5A to *=$5D
- 0=$0F .=$3C -=$4A Enter=$43
- You can add up to 512 characters of this to launch many programs
- simply by pressing the keys(or selecting them from the tools menu
- in Kick2.0-). Just follow the format of @ then two digit
- qualifier then two digit keycode then the program to run then
- repeat the format but the first entry must always be the wakeup
- keys for DirWork.
- The SAVE function will modify a DW executable to have the setup
- that you currently have. You are prompted for the name of the DW
- which would most likey be C:DW.
- POPKEYS are all saved with this command so set up DirWork how you
- like it then use this command.
- Changing a button:-
- You can change a button to make it do something slightly different
- to something totally different. Just press on the button then go
- to the menu and select "Change last button pressed". To change an
- instant action you just do the instant action then select "Change
- last button pressed". You can also just do a binary edit of DirWork
- to change a button or instant action using NewZAP or similar.
- You are then able to edit the button configuration text. Which
- comprises of:-
- " , , "
- ||||| ||| |
- | ||| +------------Arguments for operation.
- | |||
- | |||
- | ||+-------------- Options for certain routines.
- | ||
- | ||
- | ||
- | ||
- | ||
- | ||
- | |+--------------------- What needs to be selected to operate.
- | | F=Selected Files. D=Selected Dirs.
- | | B=Selected Files &/or Dirs.
- | | A=All files/dirs even if not selected.
- | | 0=irrelevent
- | |
- | +------------------------ Internal routine the button uses.
- | A capital letter signifies that the operation does
- | not require selected files/dirs. A lower case
- | hence means the operation should require selected
- | files/dirs.
- |
- |
- +---------------------------------------- Button Name of 5 Chars
- This is the text that is displayed inside the
- button.
- These are the default button options
- "Instn,nF0,",
- "Print,iF0,",
- "Serch,fF0,",
- "NewZP,uF0,Run >NIL: NewZAP",
- "LharA,aF0,Lharc -m a ",
- "NewSh,N00,NewShell",
- "Info ,I00,",
- " Info,I00,",
- "Xoper,N00,Xoper",
- "Commd,N0w,",
- "NewZP,uF0,Run >NIL: NewZAP",
- "Searh,fF0,R",
- "Print,iF0,",
- "Sleep,S00,",
- "Prefs,N00,Preferences",
- "Prote,kB0,",
- "PlayS,pF0,",
- "MakDi,M00,",
- "HxTyp,hF0,",
- "Delet,dBR,",
- "Move ,mB0,",
- " Move,mB0,",
- "Delet,dBR,",
- "HxTyp,hF0,",
- "MakDi,M00,",
- "PlayS,pF0,",
- "Prote,kB0,",
- " VMK ,V00,",
- "Volms,U00,",
- " Run ,uFR,Run >NIL:",
- "Show ,sF0,",
- "Edit ,uF0,Run >NIL: E",
- "Type ,tF0,",
- "Renam,rB0,",
- "Copy ,cB0,",
- " Copy,cB0,",
- "Renam,rB0,",
- " Type,tF0,",
- " Edit,uF0,Run >NIL: E",
- " Show,sF0,",
- " Run ,uFR,Run >NIL:",
- "Volms,U00,",
- "WORK:,D00,WORK:",
- "SYS: ,D00,SYS:",
- "DH1: ,D00,DH1:",
- "DH0: ,D00,DH0:",
- "DF1: ,D00,DF1:",
- "DF0: ,D00,DF0:",
- "RAM: ,D00,RAM:",
- " RAM:,D00,RAM:",
- " DF0:,D00,DF0:",
- " DF1:,D00,DF1:",
- " DH0:,D00,DH0:",
- " DH1:,D00,DH1:",
- " SYS:,D00,SYS:",
- "WORK:,D00,WORK:",
- These are the one and two letter buttons between the dir string gadgets
- "All ,jAf,",
- "None ,lB0,",
- "CD ,C00,",
- "<< ,E00,",
- "<>SWA,W00,",
- ">> ,E00,",
- "CD ,C00,",
- "None ,lB0,",
- "All ,jAf,",
- These are the instant actions taken for various files if you double click the
- left button on a file.
- "MOD. ,uF0,Intuitracker",
- ".ARC ,uFp,Arc v",
- ".DMS ,uFR,DMS Write",
- ".LZH ,uFp,Lharc l",
- ".LHW ,uFR,Lhwarp Write 0",
- ".PAK ,xFw,",
- ".WRP ,uFR,UnWarp",
- ".ZIP ,uF0,PkaZIP",
- ".ZOO ,uFp,Zoo v",
- ".GIF ,uF0,VirtGIF",
- ".INFO,000,",
- "8SVX ,pF0,",
- "ANIM ,uF0,ShowANIM >NIL:",
- "ILBM ,sF0,",
- "SMUS ,uF0,PlaySMUS >NIL:",
- "FTXT ,uF0,",
- "Most ,uF0,Most",
- "PP20 ,uF0,PPMore",
- "Exect,000,",
- "Text ,tF0,",
- "Binry,hF0,",
- These are the instant actions taken for various files if you press the right
- mouse button on a file.
- "MOD. ,uF0,Run Intuitracker",
- ".ARC ,xFw,Arc xw",
- ".DMS ,uFR,DMS Write",
- ".LZH ,xFw,Lharc -m -x -r x",
- ".LHW ,uFR,Lhwarp Write 0",
- ".PAK ,xFw,",
- ".WRP ,uFW,UnWarp",
- ".ZIP ,uF0,PkaZIP",
- ".ZOO ,xFw,Zoo xO//",
- ".GIF ,uF0,VirtGIF",
- ".INFO,000,",
- "8SVX ,uF0,PlaySS >NIL:",
- "ANIM ,uF0,ShowANIM >NIL:",
- "ILBM ,uF0,Mostra >NIL:",
- "SMUS ,uF0,PlaySMUS >NIL:",
- "FTXT ,uF0,",
- "Most ,uF0,Run >NIL: Most",
- "PP20 ,uF0,PPShow",
- "Exect,uFR,",
- "Text ,uF0,Run >NIL: E",
- "Binry,uF0,Run >NIL: NewZAP",
- Routine| Example changes and Information
- letter | Remember upper case routine letter means selected file(s) related.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- D A simple change would be changing DH1: to DF2: just select the DH1:
- button, go up to change last button pressed and change
- " DH1:,D00,DH1:" to " DF2:,D00,DF2:".
- To make a button that gets the directory already in the text gadget
- (instead of just pressing the right mouse button over the gadget)
- "GetDr,D0c,"
- N Executes commands. If you want to execute a program and don't
- want the selected files to be added to the command.
- You must add CTRL-J EndCLI to your command if you use a option
- that opens a window and you want it to automatically close.
- Options:-
- w if you want a window to open for the output.
- p if you want a window to open for the output and waits for you
- to press a key before it closes.
- R if you want a requester so you can edit the command before
- it is executed.
- W if you want a requestor then a window to open for the output.
- P if you want a requestor then a window that waits for a key.
- 0 means no window or requester.
- Examples:-
- "Prefs,N00,Preferences" Bring up 1.2/1.3 preferences.
- No output window is opened.
- "Avail,N0p,AvailJEndCLI" Show available memory in a window.
- Then automatically close that window
- after the user presses a key (or clicks
- on the close gadget with Kick2.0-).
- Note the J is CTRL-J
- "Avail,N0w,List" List a directory in a output window that stays
- open until the user enters EndCLI (or clicks
- on the close gadget with Kick2.0-).
- "DiskC,N0w,DiskCopy DF0: TO DF0:JEndCLI" Diskcopy DF0: to DF0:
- opening a window for
- the output that auto
- closes when the Diskcopy
- is finished.
- Note the J is CTRL-J
- M The Makedir function can be given a filename which it will copy
- to create a icon for the directory. All you have to do is give
- it the filename of the icon you want it to create.
- "MakDr,M00,sys:DefaultDraw.info"
- P To create a parent button if you don't like going to the far
- left/right of the directory text and pressing the left button.
- "Paren,P00,"
- R To create a root button if you don't like going to the far
- left/right of the directory text and pressing the right button.
- "Root ,R00,"
- j To make a all button select dirs as well as files.
- Change "All ,jAf," to "All ,jAb,"
- d To make a delete button that doesn't request you when you delete a
- non empty dir.
- Change "Delet,dBR," to "Delet,dB0,"
- c To make a copy button clone the file note, protection and date.
- BytesFree for the source/destination is updated after a copy.
- "CCopy,cBc,"
- m To make a move button clone the file note, protection and date.
- "CMove,mBc,"
- u The u internal routine is one of the most usefull it will execute
- the text in the argument part of the button config with any any
- file/dirnames selected. If you want the button to operate on
- selected files and directories use the B middle letter. If you
- want it just to operate on selected files use F and if you just
- want it to operate only on selected Dirs use D. Note the u
- command automatically adds JEndCLI (where J is CTRL-J) to commands
- that use an option that opens a window
- Options:-
- w if you want a window to open for the output.
- p if you want a window to open for the output and waits for you
- to press a key before it closes.
- R if you want a requester so you can edit the command before
- it is executed.
- W if you want a requestor then a window to open for the output.
- P if you want a requestor then a window that waits for a key.
- 0 means no window or requester.
- An example of using the u routine is the edit button and right mouse
- instant operation on text files:- " Edit,uF0,Run >NIL: E"
- To change to path for the editor from E to c:Ed just select the edit
- button, go up to change last button pressed and change to
- " Edit,uF0,Run >NIL: c:Ed"
- Note an output window is not needed hence the 0 as the option.
- To change the double click on a text file to use another text viewer
- instead of the default internal type. After you double click a
- text file & select change last button pressed change
- "Text ,tF0," to "Text ,uF0,ViewerName".
- To make a button that uses DOS's list command on selected files and
- dirs, and shows the output in a window than stays open until the
- user presses a key (or clicks the close gadget with Kick2.0-).
- "List ,uBp,List"
- To make a button that uses DOS's Execute command to execute script
- files, with an output window open while the command is executing.
- "Execu,uFw,Execute"
- To make a button that uses DOS's FileNote command to change the
- FileNote of a file in a requester.
- "Execu,uFR,FileNote"
- x Is like the u command except that the other file list
- is CD'ed before the command is executed. It is used for the extract
- commands for .lzh files and the like so that files produced go to
- the destination directory and not the source one.
- The destination directory is read in after this button is finished.
- b Is the routine which displays the FileNote/protection bits so
- "FBits,bB0," would create a button for it instead of going to the
- far right or left of the file/dir.
- Most people will make small changes to the button configurations if any, the
- simplest changes are the changing of the button text and the arguments.
- There are heaps more configuration changes & new buttons you could make!
- If you are a registered user just describe what sort of button you would
- like configured and I will give you the button configuration text for it
- if it is possible.
- Bye,
- Chris Hames (Available for any Amiga work)